IMB. Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.4 – Messages and Codes.



This information is for Enterprise COBOL programmers and system programmers to understand certain COBOL compiler messages and return codes to diagnose problems.

Throughout this information, “COBOL” or “Enterprise COBOL” refers to “IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS” or “IBM Enterprise COBOL Value Unit Edition for z/OS“.

• This information does not include all the individual COBOL messages and their explanations. For most messages, there is no further detail other than what you see in the actual messages. This is because the messages are considered to be self-explanatory when used together with the Enterprise COBOL Language Reference. If you do not think a message is self-explanatory, please send us comments. Specify the messages that you think need further explanation and why.

• For all the COBOL runtime messages, see COBOL runtime messages in the z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages.

This guide lists the compiler messages generated by the IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS compiler in numerical order. These messages are also listed in numerical order in the output following the source program and in any other listings produced by the compiler.



IMB. Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.4 – Messages and Codes.

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