

Together, we can secure a safe, healthy and equal future for all LGBT people. Until then, we’re here if you need us.”

To ensure that the voices of the communities were at the centre of the planning for the scheme, LGBT Foundation launched a survey asking people about their current finances, their housing situation, their care needs and their thoughts on what an LGBT Extra Care Scheme would look like.

This survey ran between 17th June and 2rd August and received 349 valid responses. It was primarily promoted via social media and email bulletins, but there was also an advert placed in Manchester Evening News to reach those who may not have internet access. People were given the option to either respond online, over the phone or via post. Survey respondents could leave their email to enter into a prize draw to win one of three vouchers worth £50, £30 and £20.

Many thanks to Tonic Living, Stonewall Housing and Opening Doors London for sharing their survey questions and to the Pride in Ageing Advisory Group for providing input. This report reveals the different experiences within LGBT communities and what LGBT people want from the Extra Care Scheme and other services in the city. It also reveals the overwhelming delight that the dream of LGBT-affirmative extra care housing may be soon a reality.




The source of this flipbook:
LGBT Foundation. (2020b, October). HOUSING, AGEING + CARE. https://lgbt.foundation/downloads/HousingAgeingCareReport2


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