Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.4 – Licensed Program Specifications



Enterprise COBOL for z/OS is a leading-edge, IBM z/OS based compiler that helps you create, modernize, and maintain mission-critical, line-of-business COBOL applications to execute on your z/OS operating systems. The applications that are created using Enterprise COBOL for z/OS can interoperate with transactional and data systems such as IBM CICS®, IBM Db2®, and IBM IMS. The COBOL compiler helps your existing COBOL applications work with modern infrastructure technologies, such as mobile, web, and cloud, with native support for JSON, XML, and Java™.

COBOL 6.4 features

Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.4 introduces the following new and improved features:

• Support of IBM z16 to maximize your hardware investment, reduce CPU usage, and improve the performance of critical COBOL applications

• Improved Java/COBOL interoperability to easily extend the capabilities of your COBOL applications with Java

• Interoperability between AMODE 31 (31-bit) and AMODE 64 (64-bit) COBOL programs to handle your growing COBOL program data without converting the entire application to run in AMODE 64

• Support for user-defined functions to enable you to write your own functions and invoke them like intrinsic functions, improving code modularity and maintainability

• Improved integration with IBM Automatic Binary Optimizer for z/OS to invest in your future so that modules you compile today take advantage of future IBM Z® hardware enhancements, without having to be recompiled



IMB. Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 6.4 – Licensed Program Specifications. https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/enterprise-cobol-zos-documentation-library

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