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Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications is designed to teach the principles and theory of abstract algebra to college juniors and seniors in a rigorous manner. Its strengths include a wide range of exercises, both computational and theoretical, plus many nontrivial applications. The first half of the book presents group theory, through the Sylow theorems, with enough material for a semester-long course. The second-half is suitable for a second semester and presents rings, integral domains, Boolean algebras, vector spaces, and fields, concluding with Galois Theory.
A certain amount of mathematical maturity is necessary to find and study applications of abstract algebra. A basic knowledge of set theory, mathematical induction, equivalence relations, and matrices is a must. Even more important is the ability to read and understand mathematical proofs. In this chapter we will outline the background needed for a course in abstract algebra.
A Short Note on Proofs
Abstract mathematics is different from other sciences. In laboratory sciences such as chemistry and physics, scientists perform experiments to discover new principles and verify theories. Although mathematics is often motivated by physical experimentation or by computer simulations, it is made rigorous through the use of logical arguments. In studying abstract mathematics, we take what is called an axiomatic approach; that is, we take a collection of objects and assume some rules about their structure. These rules are called axioms. Using the axioms for we wish to derive other information about by using logical arguments. We require that our axioms be consistent; that is, they should not contradict one another. We also demand that there not be too many axioms. If a system of axioms is too restrictive, there will be few examples of the mathematical structure.
A mathematical proof is nothing more than a convincing argument about the accuracy of a statement. Such an argument should contain enough detail to convince the audience; for instance, we can see that the statement “ exactly when ” is false by evaluating and noting that an argument that would satisfy anyone. Of course, audiences may vary widely: proofs can be addressed to another student, to a professor, or to the reader of a text. If more detail than needed is presented in the proof, then the explanation will be either long-winded or poorly written. If too much detail is omitted, then the proof may not be convincing. Again it is important to keep the audience in mind. High school students require much more detail than do graduate students. A good rule of thumb for an argument in an introductory abstract algebra course is that it should be written to convince one’s peers, whether those peers be other students or other readers of the text.