The purpose of this document is to provide a direction for ICT industry stakeholders to build their own child online protection (COP) resources. The aim of these guidelines for industry on child online protection is to provide a useful, flexible and user-friendly framework for both enterprise visions and their responsibility to protect users. They are also aimed at establishing the foundation for safer and more secure use of Internet-based services and associated technologies for today’s children, and future generations.
As a toolbox, these guidelines also aim at enhancing business success by helping large and small operations and stakeholders to develop and maintain an attractive and sustainable business model, while understanding the legal and moral responsibilities towards children and society.
In response to substantial advances in technology and convergence, ITU, UNICEF and child online protection partners have developed and updated the guidelines for the broad range of companies that develop, provide or use telecommunications or related activities in the delivery of their products and services. The new guidelines for industry on child online protection are the result of consultations with members of the COP Initiative, as well as wider consultations with members of civil society, business, academia, governments, media, international organizations and young people.
The purpose of this document is to:
- establish a common reference point and guidance for the ICT and online industries and relevant stakeholders;
- provide guidance to companies on identifying, preventing and mitigating any adverse impacts of their products and services on children’s rights;
- provide guidance to companies on identifying ways in which they can promote children’s rights and responsible digital citizenship among children;
- suggest common principles to form the basis of national or regional commitments across all related industries, while recognizing that different types of businesses will use diverse implementation models.