Beej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners



This is an alpha-quality book. There are mistakes, oh yes. When you find them, please drop an issue in GitHub, or a pull request, or email me at When the number of defects gets low enough, I’ll offer a print version.

Hey, everyone! Have you been thinking about learning to program? Have you also been thinking of how to do it in the easy-to-approach Python programming language?

Yes? Then this is the book for you. We’re going to start with the absolute basics and build up from there, building up to being an intermediate developer and problem-solver! Python is the language we’ll be using to make this happen.

But by the end of the book, you will have developed programming techniques that transcend languages. After picking up Python, maybe try another language like JavaScript, Go, or Rust. They all have their own features to explore and learn.




Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall. Beej’s Guide to Python Programming – For Beginners.

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