The Common Lisp Cookbook




Cookbook, n. a book containing recipes and other information about the preparation and cooking of food.

The Common Lisp Cookbook is a collaborative resource to help you learn Common Lisp the language, and its ecosystem, and to get you started in a wide range of programming areas. It can be used by Lisp newcomers as a tutorial (getting started, functions, etc) and by everybody as a reference (loop!).

We hope that these EPUB and PDF versions make the learning experience even more practical and enjoyable.

Getting started

We’ll begin with presenting easy steps to install a development environment and start a new Common Lisp project.

Want a 2-clicks install? Then get Portacle, a portable and multi-platform Common Lisp environment. It ships Emacs, SBCL (the implementation), Quicklisp (package manager), SLIME (IDE) and Git. It’s the most straightforward way to get going!



The Common Lisp Cookbook.

VP Flipbook Maker

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