Introducing ASP.NET Web Pages 2



What you’ll learn in the first tutorial of the set:

• What ASP.NET Web Pages technology is and what it’s for.
• What WebMatrix is.
• How to install everything.
• How to create a website by using WebMatrix.

Features/technologies discussed:
Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
• WebMatrix.
• .cshtml pages

What Should You Know?

We’re assuming that you’re familiar with:
HTML. No in-depth expertise is required. We won’t explain HTML, but we also don’t use anything complex. We’ll provide links to HTML tutorials where we think they’re useful.
Cascading style sheets (CSS). Same as with HTML.
• Basic database ideas. If you’ve used a spreadsheet for data and sorted and filtered the data, that’s the level of expertise we’re generally assuming for this tutorial set.

We’re also assuming that you’re interested in learning basic programming. ASP.NET Web Pages use a programming language called C#. You don’t have to have any background in programming, just an interest in it. If you’ve ever written any JavaScript in a web page before, you’ve got plenty of background.

Note that if you are familiar with programming, you might find that this tutorial set initially moves slowly while we bring new programmers up to speed. As we get past the first few tutorials, though, there will be less basic programming to explain and things will move along at a faster clip



Mike Pope. Introducing ASP.NET Web Pages 2 (2012) .

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