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eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit corporation funded by the Government of Ontario. It serves as a centre of excellence in online and technology-enabled learning for all publicly funded colleges and universities in Ontario and has embarked on a bold mission to widen access to post-secondary education and training in Ontario. This textbook is part of eCampusOntario’s open textbook library, which provides free learning resources in a wide range of subject areas. These open textbooks can be assigned by instructors for their classes and can be downloaded by learners to electronic devices. These free and open educational resources are customizable to meet a wide range of learning needs, and we invite instructors to review and adopt the resources for use in their courses.
- What decision was being made?
- What data (descriptive and predictive) might one need to make the best decision?
- What other costs or constraints might you have to consider in routing?
- Which other situations might be appropriate for applications of such models?
Recommended Readings for the Descriptive Analytics
Chapter 1. Descriptive Statistics and Frequency Distributions
Chapter 2. The Normal and t-Distributions (only the normal distribution)
This is a chapter from a free, open textbook that has been adapted to the Canadian context. When read online, it allows readers to learn the basic and most commonly-applied statistical techniques in business in an interactive way using Excel spreadsheets.
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets – 1st Canadian Edition by
Mohammad Mahbobi & Thomas Tiemann is licensed under a Creative-Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Lab 1
The instructor will go over the following file in class. Load the following file to practice creating data visualizations such as a boxplot and pivot table.
Lab 2
Load the following file to practice creating data visualizations.
Data Source:
Amazon Top 50 Bestselling books 2009-2019,
Consider the fact that not everyone identifies within a binary of male/female or man/woman. For the purposes of this assignment, we are using the word “sex” to refer to the physiology of the person. A better word to use may be “gender.” This is because preconceived notions and biases associated with gender, rather than solely the physiology of the person, has been proven to affect health insurance rates and access to health services more generally.