A well–planned, properly tended vegetable garden not only provides an excellent source of fresh, nutritious vegetables, but also relaxation and enjoyment for the entire family. With a few simple tools, a little space, and a desire to nurture plant growth, anyone can create a thriving vegetable garden. Even a 100-square-foot garden can produce a good portion of the vegetables for a family of four.
Successful gardening begins with proper planning. This includes knowing how much to plant, when to plant, and proper spacing, covered on the document.
Tips for a Successful Home Garden
- Use mulches to conserve moisture, control weeds, and reduce rots.
- Keep plants free of insects and diseases.
- Examine plants often to keep ahead of potential problems.
- Keep weeds out.
- Remove tomato suckers when they form (1 to 2 inches long).
- Sample soil and have it tested every three to four years.
- Apply fertilizer to garden area as recommended. See Fertilizing Gardens in Kansas.
- Thin when plants are small.
- Avoid walking and working in the garden when the foliage and soil are wet.
- Wash and clean the sprayer well after each use.